
Good Day to u goddess Fatima .. 🙂 I want the world to know… Im Smiling its amazing. For the first time in my life, of what I remember, I got up so fresh and I’am Happy.. 🙂 .. Thanks to you Fatima for the past life reading.. don’t know why and how its happening but it is awesome divine energy… You are a God sent angel.. 🙂 :o) Thanks for doing the work that you do. Om Shreem Shreem Shreem 🙂


Annie Williams

I wanted to take a moment to thank you again for the most wonderful, amazing and empowering experience you gave me the chance to be part of! Last week on Wednesday August 25th, 2010 I had an epiphany of sorts – a life altering event took place…and that was the Walking Meditation you hosted/lead. It truly was a magical night. All day I felt a pulsating energy building around me. I woke up in the morning and heard music around me – I felt more alive than ever and was just completely “in the moment”. The Goddesses who were present definitely helped create a special and powerful energy – I completely LOST myself in the meditation and felt my soul transcend this earthly plane and visit that special place where our souls thrive and nourish themselves.  Truly an unique experience. Thank you! Thank you to all the Goddesses present and as always. Thank you Archangel Michael and all the Angels, Fairies and Ascended Masters!


J.A. SriIsis

Hi Fatima. You’ve been on my mind since Mondays reading. So I just want u to known that I wish there was more Fatimas in the world…thank you. For ur readings and being more like a friend. And thank you for all the women and men you hold up and encourage. I’m not ur mother…but I’m so so proud of you and what you made ur life to be, and because of the Angels Readings I keep on manifesting more and more every day. God Bless.


Carla Taylor