
Hunger affects us all. Nearly 800, 000 Canadians use Food Banks monthly across the country and an increasing number of beneficiaries are affected with special dietary needs. Support local food banks. Donate & healthy items from the following categories: & Gluten-Free/Wheat-Free • Low Sugar & Low Sodium • Vegetarian & Most Needed Food Items Non-wheat pasta products & rice • Canned meats • Dry and canned soups & stews • Canned fruit & vegetables • Flour (spelt, rice, and others) • Breakfast cereal • Hemp or almond butter • Canned/powdered milk • Fruit juices • Pasta sauce • Beans & legumes • Infant formula & baby food.

The Mississauga Food Bank is the largest food distribution program in Mississauga, Ontario supporting over 12,000 clients each month through over 30 member agencies, including the city’s seven food banks. The Mississauga Food Bank no longer provides food & to clients, but sources, manages and distributes 2.4 million pounds of  food each year valued at over $6 million. Food is sourced through corporate and individual donations, sponsorships, and through our collaborative membership with the Ontario Association of Food Banks “” Food Banks Canada. The Mississauga Food Bank sources, warehouses, and distributes 2.4 million pounds of &food each year valued at over $6 million through its growing network of recipient agencies. Food is sourced through corporate and individual donations, sponsorships, and through our collaborative membership with the Ontario Association of Food Banks and Food Banks Canada.

How would you like to be able to make a difference in ending world hunger, while improving your child’s vocabulary at the same time? The site is sponsored by Harvard University and the United Nations World Food Program, and all of the money earned from the site’s sponsors goes directly to the World Food Program. Pretty cool, eh? All is well! Http:// is a cool web site that does just that. It’s a simple vocabulary question and answer game (that’s addictive, too). For every answer you get right, the site donates 20 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program. The vocabulary game is run by a computer program that automatically adjusts to your skill level.