
Hi Fatima, thanks again for the Angel reading. Saw my soul mate Friday and we had a blasting time together so much fun! I owe it all to you!! =D so thank you… thank you… thank you!!! And I’m writing almost every night now. Thank you Angels!



Many people know what an “a ha” moment is – the moment when something amazing becomes CRYSTAL clear to you. Well, I had my “a ha” moment with Goddess Fatima. I met this most amazing Goddess almost two years ago and the impact she has made on my life is visible to all those around me and to myself as well. My first introduction to her was through my cousin who strongly recommended I get a reading done by her…after much searching my cousin found the Goddess’ phone number and I called to book a reading – WOW – the reading was inspiring and eerily accurate. Since that fateful meeting I have continued to learn from her and to grow. My confidence has increased and I have found my true calling, my life path. For the first time ever I am confident in where I am headed and I feel really good about my life and what is happening in it. I have to thank the Goddess for her support, encouragement and for being her! Thank you for re-introducing me to my spirituality and for bringing the Angels, especially Archangel Michael, into my life. You have connected me to myself and to the wonderful world around me and above me! thank you – thank you! NA MA SHI VA YA – ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD



Thank you too Goddess Fatima from the bottom of my heart. You’re truly an inspiration and you’ve guided me to see life and to live life in such an incredible way. And I therefore I pass it along the teach others what you’ve manifested within me. I truly believe this is not the only life we’ve lived together! My Light-work is so successful thank you for the past life reading now I so know that I’m to heal and teach others in his world and that Im doing. I also thank my Angels for guiding me to you.

