Hi Fatima:
Please tell everyone how the Crystal Bed treatment saved my beautiful dog Mimi.
The Vet told us we needed to put her down. You suggested that I bring a photo of her to my Crystal Bed session. You performed Reiki on her picture then we put it beside me during the one hour Crystal Bed session, which was extraordinary.
When I walked in my home the dog ran to the door, something she hasn’t done in a long. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes and seemed to say “thanks mom”!
My husband was crying and asked me “my god women what did you do to our dog?”
At the same time you did reiki on her photo she looked at my husband with tears coming down her face. Then when I on went on the Crystal Bed the dog fell into a very deep sleep and her body started to shake. My husband said omg I though she was going home to heaven.
At 3 pm when I got in my car to drive home from being with you the dog started to jump and run around the house. Then she waited at the door for me. My husband says that he now believes in miracles.
As for me, I feel more positive, stronger and energetic. In addition, when I got to work the next morning I received a very nice increase in my pay.
Thank you for all your guidance and love and for letting me use the Crystal Bed of miracles!
Marie Jameson
Goddess Fatima, amazing being that she is – introduced me to the way of light, the way of positivity and hope and from there she introduced me to my Angels. I am grateful for all the Angels that surround me and guide me and support me everyday. I LITERALLY feel their presence with me at all times. I see their miracles as they manifest for me. Last year – around January 3rd, 2009 I said to my Angels, specifically to Archangel Michael – “I want to be in Miami December 31st, 2009 and I want to ring in the New Year there.” I left that desire in the Great Archangel Michael’s hands and did not obsess about it. On December 27, 2009 my friends and I flew to Orlando for a vacation and I thought – “thank you Archangel Michael, this is pretty darn close to Miami and I was happy”. Little did I know that Archangel Michael had MORE in store for me. While in Orlando my friends and I were talking and trying to decide what to do for New Year’s Eve – we were all pretty settled on going to Disney and watching the fireworks there…then out of the blue one of my friends said “hey why don’t we drive down to Miami” – the rest of us agreed…and off we went. On December 31st, 2009 I got my wish – Archangel Michael answered my request…and bust through the obstacles and made it possible for me to ring in the New Year in Miami!!! Thank you Archangel Michael and once again Thank you Goddess Fatima!
Thank you too Goddess Fatima from the bottom of my heart. You’re truly an inspiration and you’ve guided me to see life and to live life in such an incredible way. And I therefore I pass it along the teach others what you’ve manifested within me. I truly believe this is not the only life we’ve lived together! My Light-work is so successful thank you for the past life reading now I so know that I’m to heal and teach others in his world and that Im doing. I also thank my Angels for guiding me to you.