
Angel Affirmation – Prayer For A New Job

Beloved Creator,

You have guided me to find a new job, and I ask your help in noticing the doors that you are opening for me now. I ask for very clear and evident signs to guide me to a new job in which my talents and interests are used in meaningful ways. Please help me to know that I deserve a wonderful new job, and allay any nervousness during the interview process. I ask for extra angels to boost my confidence and courage, and to keep me centered in the sure knowledge that you are providing for me now. Amen.

Om Shreem 1008

Udyamo Bhairava 1008

Angel Affirmation – Prayer for Healing Job Conflicts

Dear God,

My deepest desire is to be happy while I work, and I ask your help so that I may find peace on the job. Please help me to be understood and understanding with everyone with whom I come into contact. Please clear me of any fears that trigger relationship conflicts in the workplace. I ask that you and the angels guide me to job responsibilities and tasks that match my interests and skills. I now visualize myself feeling happy when I wake up to go to work in the morning, and I ask your assistance in manifesting this vision. Amen.

Angel Affirmation – Prayer To Find A Soulmate

Dear God,

I ask that you and the romance angels help me be in a wonderful love relationship with my soulmate. Please give me clear guidance to find my soulmate, and help us to meet and enjoy one another without delay. I ask for your help in creating circumstances so that I may be in this wonderful soulmate relationship right away. Please help me heal and release any blocks in my mind, body, or emotions that would make me afraid of great love. Please help me hear and follow your Divine guidance that leads me to find and enjoy this soulmate relationship. I know that my soulmate is searching for me with the same amount of fervor with which I am searching for this person. We both ask that you bring us together and help us know and accept the blessings of great love. Thank you.

Om Kleem 1008

Om Na Ma Shi Va Ya Potri 1008x

Angel Affirmation – Prayer For Financial Peace

Dearest God,

I know that you are the source of all my good and that you provide for me in all ways. Please help me release the fears that block me from receiving your gifts. Please help me feel the emotions of peace, gratitude, and financial security and to know that I am your child upon whom you bestow great blessings. I now stay open to Divine guidance, which perfectly leads me to situations, people, and opportunities that are part of your plan for my financial peace. I now see and feel myself and everyone else as completely financially secure, and my heart overflows with gratitude and joy at the abundant universe that you created. Thank you, and amen.

Om Kleem 1008

Om Shreem 1008

Om Hreem 1008

Angel Affirmations

I do believe that I am very healthy. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I am very happy. Omnamahivaya
I do believe that I am very loved. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I am very powerful in a very loving way. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I am very successful. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I am very wealthy. Om Yanamasiva
I do believe that I am riches. Om Yanamashiva
I do believe that I am beauty. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I am joy. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I am Peaceful. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I listen with love to my body’s messages. Om namashivaya
I do believe that I listen with love to my soul’s messages. Om namashivaya

Say these affirmations daily to increase your self-confidence and self-love. You can record them in your own voice, which will give you a powerful affirmation tape, or print this page and post them in a prominent place. Add your own personal affirmation related to your goals and desires.

  • I am now surrounded by Angels Right Now!
  • The angels shine the love of God upon me and through me.
  • I accept this love from God and the angels.
  • I deserve love.
  • I deserve happiness .
  • I deserve health.
  • I deserve help from heaven, and I accept it now.
  • I call upon God and the angels to help and guide me.
  • I listen to my inner voice and feelings.
  • My inner voice and feelings is guidance from God and the angels.
  • This guidance is everything I need.
  • I follow my guidance in full faith.
  • I know that God and the angels love me and are guiding me right now.
  • I accept the angels’ love.
  • I accept love.
  • I love.
  • I am love.
  • I am loving.
  • I am very loved.
  • Everyone loves me.
  • I love everyone.
  • I forgive everyone.
  • I forgive myself.
  • I aloud the loving energy of God and the Angels to guide my every action.
  • I send God’s love to everyone I meet.
  • I guard my thoughts carefully and only allow positive and loving thoughts to come through.
  • There is an abundance of love in the world.
  • There is enough for everyone.
  • There is plenty to go around.
  • I have an abundance of everything.
  • I attract wonderful, loving people into my life.
  • My angels and I enjoy new opportunities to give service to the world.
  • I am rewarded constantly.
  • My life is harmonious and peaceful.
  • I am peaceful.
  • I am radiant.
  • I am joyful.