
I have met my belove-one…. Things soooo comfortable, so quickly. Writing to my Angels really works. Im allowing God and my Angels to lead me, enjoy it, going with the flow… My constant chats with my Angels keeps me going. We Thank you Angels; Fatima with all our hearts!


Mary Marks

Hi Fatima came to you 2 weeks ago for my Angels and Fairy reading asking if I was going at find my job you and the angels said to write thanking that I now had my life purpose and for me not to ask for a job and WOW I did write when I got home from seeing you and in 2 weeks and 3 day I received my (Life purpose) thank you, thank you, thank you goddess Fatima you made a writer out of me lol… you are a great gift to this world thank you.



Thank you Goddess for snapping some sense into me… and for not giving up on me thanks for bring me back to my Angels, I’m determined now, and Guess what Goddess Fatima, I got a full time job the day after I wrote my letter to the universe …pays good, its permanent and has benefits 🙂 this is what I’ve been writing for, I’m so happy thanks.


Janice Ho