
Hi Fatima. You’ve been on my mind since Mondays reading. So I just want u to known that I wish there was more Fatimas in the world…thank you. For ur readings and being more like a friend. And thank you for all the women and men you hold up and encourage. I’m not ur mother…but I’m so so proud of you and what you made ur life to be, and because of the Angels Readings I keep on manifesting more and more every day. God Bless.


Carla Taylor

I”ve studied Quantum Physics for a long time; therefore I have a good understanding of energy fields, the law of attraction, and manifestation. Fatima embodies all these universal laws as an energy healer and as an intuitive. The mere presence of Fatima elevates the energy of the room and shines a light of possibility. Life as I understand it is about the infinite possibilities available to us all, she reminds us of that and brings us closer to it through her divine energy.



Thank you Fatima for all of your help and guidance over the years! My life has taken incredible turns thanks to your help, luv u.


Michelle. J.